IMA Abacus Mental Arithmetic, Kids Learning, Children Learning, IMA Academic, Sensory, Programmes, Foundation, Education, Creative Thinking, IMA, Abacus, Mental Arithmetic, Centre, Franchise, Learning Centre, Children Learning Centre, Enrichment Centre, Mental Arithmetic Learning Malaysia, Abacus Learning Malaysia IMA Abacus Mental Arithmetic, Kids Learning, Children Learning, IMA Academic, Sensory, Programmes, Foundation, Education, Creative Thinking, IMA, Abacus, Mental Arithmetic, Centre, Franchise, Learning Centre, Children Learning Centre, Enrichment Centre, Mental Arithmetic Learning Malaysia, Abacus Learning Malaysia

Intelligent International Competition ➙ 2014

This year 2014 we hosted the intelligent international competition 2014 at resorts world sentosa singapore there were an estimate 8800 attendees in this event and it was our best record ever since before we sincerely thank to all intelligent parents partners and children in the world with your fully support this event could be a successful end hope to see you again